Past Workshops

16 October 2018

Afterschool Art Club: Painting

Feed your imagination and get creative - join us every Tuesday from 4 – 5.30 pm for the Tashkeel AfterSchool Art Club! These workshops are focused especially on the young'uns, aged between 8 and 14 ye...

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6 October 2018

Introduction to Photo Etching

Kim Robertson

Using their own images, participants will transfer them onto acetate in preparation for exposure onto plates. There will then be a guided demonstration of the process allowing each participant to expo...

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27 October 2018

Jali Diwani

Wissam Shawkat

Favoured by the Ottoman sultans, Jali Diwani and Diwani were used as the scripts for official decrees, correspondences, badges and ornamentations. Today, Jali Diwani is applied in a wide range of cont...

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6 October 2018

Youth x Hub: Pastel Drawing

Osama Khalaf

Find out how to draw landscapes and portraits with pastels in this 3-hour session with artist Osama Khalaf as he introduces the tools and techniques for realistic drawing including outlining, observat...

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29 September 2018

Telling Tales: Garden Sails

Debjani Bhardwaj

What does it mean to be in a place, to look through and into something, to remove the frame from a picture? ‘Telling Tales’ artist Debjani Bhardwaj guides you in constructing drawings that act as a re...

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Garden Sails

29 September 2018

Palestinian Embroidery (Tatreez)

Joanna Barakat

Palestinian embroidery, or tatreez, holds so much meaning to Palestinians: visually, culturally, and politically. This workshop will begin with a discussion about the history of Palestinian embroider...

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12 December 2018

Critical Dialogues

Kevin Jones

Join Kevin Jones to re-assess how you generate meaning around your practice. Running from September to December, Critical Dialogues is a course of 12 sessions that discusses the mechanisms of critique...

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Nicole Honeywill 703542 Unsplash

26 September 2018

Telling Tales: Shadow Play

Debjani Bhardwaj

Shadow play is an ancient form of storytelling, which uses cut-out figures that are held between a light source and a translucent screen. Working in small groups, join ‘Telling Tales’ artist Debjani B...

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Shadow Play 400X300

25 September 2018

Telling Tales: After School Arts Club

Debjani Bhardwaj

Tashkeel’s all-new club kicks off in September with a fun silhouette portraiture workshop led by Telling Tales artist Debjani Bhardwaj. A popular way to recreate an image before the arrival of photogr...

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23 September 2018

Telling Tales: Tinderbox

Debjani Bhardwaj

Using the art of silhouette, paper cuts and handmade books, work with Telling Tales artist Debjani Bhardwaj to build your very own Tinderbox story that you can take home and share with loved ones. Su...

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Tinderbox 400X300

22 September 2018

Introduction to Etching

Kim Robertson

This workshop will start the day by introducing the participants to the variety of techniques available in intaglio showing various examples. This will be followed by an introduction to the materials ...

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22 September 2018

Telling Tales: Tunnel Vision

Debjani Bhardwaj

Tunnel books are a series of pages that are held together by folded strips of paper, giving the illusion of depth and perspective. Telling Tales artist Debjani Bhardwaj will teach the art of papers cu...

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Tunnel Vision 2

Opening Hours

Tashkeel Alserkal
Gallery, Unit 26, FN Designs, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).

Makerspace, Unit 89, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).

Tashkeel Nad Al Sheba
Nad Al Sheba 1
Temporarily closed for renovation

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