Zeinab Alhashemi's participation in the SETI Institute’s Artist-in-Residence programme was supported by Tashkeel
Tashkeel was pleased to support Zeinab Alhashemi as the first visual arts practitioner from the MENA region to be invited to join the SETI Artist-in-Residence programme, an international leader in the movement to integrate the arts and sciences. Co-hosted with the Lucas Artists Residency at Montalvo, California, the residency which was first established back in 2010, aims to facilitate an exchange of ideas between artists and scientists so that these disciplines may inspire each other and lead to new modes of comprehension and expression.
During her residency, Zeinab collaborated with SETI Research Scientist Mark Showalter to understand the existence of geometry in the world and outer space. Showalter’s own research focuses on the dynamics of rings and small moons in the solar system. Having worked with the Hubble Space Telescope, he is currently a co-investigator on NASA's Cassini mission to Saturn and its New Horizons mission to Pluto and beyond. Such collaborations through the programme aim to encourage arts practitioners to bring fresh eyes to help navigate difficult concepts and act as a bridge in order to broaden awareness around complex scientific research and activity.
Due to the pandemic, the residency migrated online. The final activation was Zeinab’s SETI-Live session which took place on 10 November:
Zeinab Alhashemi is an alumna of the Tanween design programme. Her limited edition piece San’am is part of The Tanween Collection.
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Resident Artist
Zeinab Alhashemi is an Emirati conceptual artist based in Dubai. Having graduated from Zayed University with a BA in Arts and Science, the artist specialized in Multimedia Design, and has since become known for her large scale contemporary sight-specific installations.
Alhashemi is fascinated with capturing the transformation of the UAE following the country’s construction and industrial booms from her own perspective. She examines the contrast as well as interdependence that came to exist between the abstract, geometric shapes of urbanism and the organic form associated with her country’s natural landscape. Since Alhashemi’s childhood, the familiarity of traditional scenery and nature was largely disturbed to facilitate the rise of the man-made. In her experimental installations, in search of a new identity appropriate to the modern condition, the artist deconstructs the viewer’s understanding of their surroundings and introduces an alternative point of view, creating a new perception of the reality.
Opening Hours
Tashkeel Alserkal
Gallery, Unit 26, FN Designs, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).
Makerspace, Unit 89, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).
Tashkeel Nad Al Sheba
Nad Al Sheba 1
Temporarily closed for renovation
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