Updates from Tanween Programme 2015 - 2016

LAB session with Fi Scott and Helen Voce

The first LAB sessions of the 2015-16 Tashkeel Design Programme took place on 25-26 July 2015, led by Fi Scott, Founder of Make Works, and Helen Voce, Craft Programme Producer at Cove Park and Advisor at the Applied Arts Scotland.

Day 1 included introductions by the designers and LAB mentors, discussions about the challenges, opportunities and risks around collaborations, and reflecting back on the designers factory visits in June.

Day 2 continued with discussions on collaborations with manufacturers, including a presentation by Fi about Make Works and her experiences with manufacturers in Scotland, and tips on choosing and approaching local manufacturers found here. The second half of the day focused on Entrepreneurship – managing time, calculating costings and pricings, and thinking ahead in lead up to Design Days Dubai.