Zsanett Szirmay


Zsanett Szirmay is a 2nd year MA student at MOME's Department of Textile Design. She is a member of the Society of Hungarian Electrography and a regular participant at the Society's group exhibitions. She has already had numerous exhibitions at the Heimtextil fair in Frankfurt. Her designer approach is characterised by venturesome experimentation and integrative thinking.


Opening Hours

Tashkeel Alserkal
Gallery, Unit 26, FN Designs, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).

Makerspace, Unit 89, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).

Tashkeel Nad Al Sheba
Nad Al Sheba 1
Temporarily closed for renovation

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