Dr. Iman Ibrahim

Iman Ibrahim is winning awards designer and works as an Assistant Professor of Interior Architecture with PhD degree in Architectural Engineering. She started her academic career in 2008 in the Department of Architectural Engineering at UAE University, moving to Abu Dhabi University in 2011. And finally joined the University of Sharjah. Her researches publications in Sustainable Design, Smart cities, Eco-friendly materials and Biophilic Design. Her academic career did not stop her from professional practicing as she shared in many international competitions and many volunteering sustainable designs serving the community, where she won the Sharjah Award for Excellency 2018, and the University of Sharjah distinguished award for the years 2017 and 2020, she also won ZERO competition organized by Sharjah Investment and Development Authority (Shurooq). In 2020, she exhibited the “Deterministic Path” installation 2020, and TAWASUL installation 2021, during Dubai Design Week. She had different voluntary public talks about sustainability in INDEX 2015, Design Talks 2016 and Leaders in Architecture 2017, Emirates Environmental Group EEG 2020, she participated in different International conferences related to sustainability and Regenerative Architectural. Her last achievements winning the Sharjah sustainable Award 2020, within the University of Sharjah sustainability office team."


Opening Hours

Tashkeel Alserkal
Gallery, Unit 26, FN Designs, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).

Makerspace, Unit 89, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).

Tashkeel Nad Al Sheba
Nad Al Sheba 1
Temporarily closed for renovation

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