Tashkeel Lecture: How can invasive species be used to create luxurious materials while improving our local biodiversity?
Ended - Monday 8 November 2021
Irene is an architect and design researcher who experiments with materials and spaces generated by the overproduction and environmental crisis. She has worked for firms like Dominique Perrault and LVMH.
As an architect from Spain Irene Roca has developed her practise rethinking abandoned and empty European structures. Roca believes that the scale in which we play with furniture pieces in domestic interiors allows us to test complex ideas around sustainability and social issues in a faster and more dynamic way than architecture. Roca projects her future working with spaces generated by overproduction crisis, using them as platforms to expand experimentation in domestic spaces.
Date: 8 November 2021
Time: 7 - 8:30pm
Over Zoom
This talk is free to attend.
Registration Deadline:
8 November 2021
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Tashkeel hosts monthly online lectures on specialised topics by industry experts who share their personal experience and knowledge. These lectures are designed to give artists and designers critical tools to further their professional development and careers.
Join this Tashkeel Lecture with Irene Roca Moracia, an architect and designer from Spain who has developed her practice rethinking abandoned and empty European structures. She believes that the scale in which we play with materials and furniture pieces allows us to test complex ideas around sustainability and social issues in a faster and more dynamic way than architecture.
For the past few years she has researched how the European construction system works. Making use of legal grey zones to obtain materials in perfect condition, discarded by construction companies, underpinned the production of Irene's recent collection ‘Appropriating the Grid’. This work illustrated how sustainability is a matter of operations and behaviours and not merely a matter of architectural design and technology.
Her recent work for LVMH came from the idea of creating a regenerative material that could target a problematic existing one, concrete, while generating a bigger impact. That is how the question: “How can invasive species be used to create luxurious materials whilst improving our local biodiversity?” came to life.
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Tashkeel Alserkal
Gallery, Unit 26, FN Designs, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 10am – 7pm, Fri 9am–12pm
(closed Saturdays & public holidays).
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Sat-Thu 10am – 7pm
(closed Fridays & public holidays).
Tashkeel Nad Al Sheba
Nad Al Sheba 1
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