Tashkeel is pleased to be an Arts Partner of the seventh edition of World Art Dubai. Focusing on professional development for emerging visual arts practitioners, visitors to the Tashkeel stand will gain insight into Tashkeel’s programmes, including memberships, workshops and courses. Tashkeel will also be giving sessions on pricing, collecting art and Make Works UAE.

Throughout World Art Dubai 2023, the Tashkeel Art Clinic (Stand AA01-AA08) will be welcoming creatives seeking advice about their careers and their arts practice. Tashkeel will explain the services and provide some top tips about portfolio development, how to grow as an artist and where to find support.

World Art Dubai Talk Stage
Tashkeel Sessions

9 March - UAE Guide for New Artists

4 pm to 4:45 pm

10 March - How to Collect

7:15 pm to 8 pm

12 March - Make Works UAE

7:15 pm to 8 pm