Noël Leu
Noël Leu was born 1984 in Lucerne, Switzerland. In 2010 he graduated with a Bachelor in Visual Commu- nication from the Bern University of Arts. He now lives and works in the whole world as a graphic designer, teacher and curator. He co-founded Edition Grilli, an independent pub- lishing house and Grilli Type GmbH, a digital type foundry.
Awards: ADC Young Guns award, Art Direc- tors Club New York, USA (2015); Grant for design achievement Can- ton of Lucerne, Switzerland (2015); Award with Judge’s Choice Type Directors Club New York, USA (2015); Selection for the Chaumont Poster Festival, Chaumont, France (2015); 100 Best Posters Germany, Austria, Switzerland (2015); Type Directors Club Tokyo Annual (2015); Artist in Residency in New York Design Foun- dation Bern, Switzerland (2014); Grant for design achievement Design Foundation Bern, Switzerland (2013); Marketing support award, Design Foundation Bern, Switzerland (2013); Nominated for the Swiss Federal Design Award (2013); Most Beautiful Swiss Books (2012).
Opening Hours
Tashkeel Alserkal
Gallery, Unit 26, FN Designs, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).
Makerspace, Unit 89, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).
Tashkeel Nad Al Sheba
Nad Al Sheba 1
Temporarily closed for renovation
How to find us