Elizabeth Dorazio

Currently residing in Dubai, Elizabeth Dorazio works between Brazil and the UAE. Her practice draws on the visual cultures and popular techniques of both ‘homes’. Dorazio studied Visual Arts at the Guignard University of Art in Brazil, later specialising in Ancient Italian Art Techniques at the Institute for Art and Restoration, Florence and finally, in Frankfurt at the Abendschule, Staedelschule.

Her practice centres on mixed media works and installations. To skim through her myriad bodies of works is to glimpse a fascination with instability, shifting surfaces, the cosmic, the organic, the cellular, skin. While she remains faithful to a certain technical classicism (drawing, etching, the use of egg tempera), she also disrupts through material (x-ray fragments, chair caning) and scale. Upstream, her works are process-driven; on reception, they seem urgent and interactive.

The artist has also served as a curator for exhibitions ‘Existenzielle Korrespondenzen’ (Frankfurt am Main/São Paulo, 2016), ‘Blue Connection’ (Frankfurt am Main/São Paulo/Sorocaba, 2010-11) and ‘Schweizer 9’ (Frankfurt am Main, 2008). Her present initiative ‘Sarau Sarava’ seeks to act as a catalyst to trigger events and/or changes within the arts community of the UAE.


Opening Hours

Tashkeel Alserkal
Gallery, Unit 26, FN Designs, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).

Makerspace, Unit 89, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).

Tashkeel Nad Al Sheba
Nad Al Sheba 1
Temporarily closed for renovation

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