Awatif Al Saad

Awatif Al Saad sees painting as her refuge, a sanctuary from the strict codes and algorithms of her career as a programmer. She experiments with shade and colour to transform environments and evoke emotions. Pigments are a source of inspiration, serenity and self-expression – a medium to communicate innermost thoughts and feelings, allowing the artist to convey messages and stories. The way she combines her chosen colours on the canvas became a powerful tool to convey her vision and connect with the viewer on a profound level.


Opening Hours

Tashkeel Alserkal
Gallery, Unit 26, FN Designs, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).

Makerspace, Unit 89, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).

Tashkeel Nad Al Sheba
Nad Al Sheba 1
Temporarily closed for renovation

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