Naz Shahrokh

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Naz Shahrokh (1969, Tehran, Iran) received a BFA and an MFA in Painting, and an MS in Art History from Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY, where she later taught Fine Arts and Art History from 1998 to 2008. She joined the faculty at the Performing and Visual Arts Department at the American University in Cairo, Egypt in 2004-2006, and has been teaching at Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE since 2008. Naz has exhibited her work internationally and awards for her work include the Change Inc. (the Rauschenberg Foundation) Grant, Captiva, FL, and the Artist-In-The-Marketplace Fellowship, the Bronx Museum, Bronx, NY. Her work has been reviewed in the New York Times, TimeOut Abu Dhabi, the Connecticut Post, the Advocate and Greenwich Time, Contemporary Practices, and ART PAPERS, and is included in private and public collections internationally.

Selected exhibitions include;

“Environmental Project”, Petofi Literary Museum, Budapest, Hungary, curator Bea Szechy (2016).Arab Experimental Films: Reflections on Situated Time”, Red Room, Baltimore, Maryland, curator Samirah Alkassim (2015). PRISM PIPE, Pehrspace, Los Angeles, California, creative director Sarah Zucker (2015).Information Erupts into Perception, ISEA 2015”, Vancouver, Canada, curators Samirah Alkassim and Laura Marks (2015). “Arab Avant-Garde; Reflections on Situated Time”, Microscope Gallery, Brooklyn, New York, curators/directors Peter Eliot Buntaine and Samirah Alkassim (2015).Experiments in Cinema v10.T36”, University of New Mexico, Department of Cinematic Arts, Albuquerque, New Mexico, curator/director Bryan Konefsky (2015). AXWFF, Anthology Film Archives, NYC, New York, curator/director Lili White (2015). “Un Seul Grain de Riz”, Galerie Metanoia”, Paris, France, curator Marc Higonnet (2015). ART-ATHINA, Contemporary Art Fair of Athens, Faliron Pavilion, Athens, Greece, curator Artemis Potamianou (2015). “Sustaining Identity”, Tashkeel, Dubai, UAE curator Tasmin Wildy (2015). SIKKA art Fair, Dubai, UAE (2015). Concept Fair, Miami, USA curator Roberta Gonella (2014). LACDA 2014 “Top 40” Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, Los Angeles, California curators Joanna Szupinska-Myers, Curator of Exhibitions, California Museum of Photography and Ryan Linkoff Parsons Curatorial Fellow, L.A. County Museum of Art (2014). “Wish You Were Here 13” AIR Gallery, Brooklyn, NY (2014). Dubai Art Fair, Dubai, UAE – Global Art Forum (2014). “Twenty-Second International Juried Exhibition”, Viridian Gallery, NYC, curator Elisabeth Sussman, Curator, Whitney Museum of American Art (2011).


Selected Artworks

Opening Hours

Tashkeel Alserkal
Gallery, Unit 26, FN Designs, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).

Makerspace, Unit 89, Alserkal Avenue
Sun-Thu 9 am – 3 pm
(closed Fridays & Saturdays).

Tashkeel Nad Al Sheba
Nad Al Sheba 1
Temporarily closed for renovation

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