Zaina Khayyat

Zaina Khayyat, co-founder of The Attic Studio, has graduated with an Architecture`bachelor’s degree from the American University of Sharjah (2009). She started her career as an Art Consultant at an art consultancy . In the year 2010, she joined the Dewan Architects Consultancy firm and worked as an architect until November 2014.

Since 2013, Zaina has been collaborating with Abir Mnasria on personal research projects that integrate exploration, conceptual , arts and design. Zaina and Abir initiated The Attic in November 2014. Zaina has been working on hand-drawn pen illustration projects, and her project Vivarium received an award at the Sheikha Manal Young Artist Award exhibition in January 2015.


ساعات العمل

تشكيل السركال

الغاليري، المستودع رقم 58، السركال أفنيو

الأحد – الخميس 10 صباحاً – 7 مساءً، الجمعة 9 صباحاً – 12 ظهراً

(مغلق أيام السبت والعطلات الرسمية).

ورشة الصُنّاع

المستودع رقم 89، السركال أفنيو

السبت – الخميس 10 صباحاً – 7 مساءً

(مغلق أيام الجمعة والعطلات الرسمية).

تشكيل ند الشبا

شارع 20/5، ند الشبا 1

(مغلق مؤقتاً لأعمال الصيانة)

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