وقاص فريد

Waqas Farid currently designs exhibitions at GSM Project - a design firm that specializes in museums and culture. At the same time he works to continue his artistic practice, which revolves around photography and installation. He was born in a not so great part of the greatest city in the world – New York City – and then grew up in possibly the worst/not so bad place on earth — New Jersey suburbs.

In 2010, Waqas graduated from a specialized Masters in Fine Arts Program from Bard College and the International Centre of Photography in New York City. In 2011 he joined Qatar Museums and helped design their contemporary art exhibitions for five years. In 2016 he completed a 9-month residency at the Fire Station in Doha, the first of its kind in the country.


ساعات العمل

تشكيل السركال

الغاليري، المستودع رقم 58، السركال أفنيو

الأحد – الخميس 9 صباحاً – 3 عصراً

(مغلق أيام السبت والجمعة).


ورشة الصُنّاع

المستودع رقم 89، السركال أفنيو

السبت – الخميس 9 صباحاً – 3 عصراً

(مغلق أيام السبت والجمعة).


تشكيل ند الشبا

شارع 20/5، ند الشبا 1

(مغلق مؤقتاً لأعمال الصيانة)


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