عائشة البلوشي
Aisha Nawab is an artist based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 1990. She graduated from Zayed University with a Bachelor degree in Visual Art, College of Arts and Creative Enterprises in 2015. Aisha came from a talented family that has a background in art, especially painting. She used to be excellent in drawing and painting in her primary school. But she was the only one from her family who dared to take Art as a major of study, because she dedicated herself towards achieving her goal. Aisha used to have obsession in dolls since her childhood, when she grew up she turned this obsession to a talent. She started making hand made dolls with fabric as a first step. She was passionate in making and collecting classic dolls wearing Victorian costumes, a result of the 90s cartoons influence. This has impacted her passion, style and vision. After developing her thoughts as an artist, she decided to use dolls in her art projects. Making her handmade dolls the focus of her pieces, she expressed many ideas, symbols, and analogies. She believes that dolls can represent humans and they have the ability to deliver many emotions. She used them to reveal her observations, self-complexes and inner thoughts. However, she didn’t see them as figurines, she thought of them as players that can play any role by their features, body expressions and their special aura that could leave an impression on the viewers, so they stop looking and start observing. Aisha is working to develop her style and techniques to make her dolls more abstract and artistic, using different materials and techniques. She aims to be known as an Emirati doll maker and miniature artist. She is currently open for a commissioned business of made to order customised dolls.
ساعات العمل
تشكيل السركال
الغاليري، المستودع رقم 58، السركال أفنيو
الأحد – الخميس 9 صباحاً – 3 عصراً
(مغلق أيام السبت والجمعة).
ورشة الصُنّاع
المستودع رقم 89، السركال أفنيو
السبت – الخميس 9 صباحاً – 3 عصراً
(مغلق أيام السبت والجمعة).
تشكيل ند الشبا
شارع 20/5، ند الشبا 1
(مغلق مؤقتاً لأعمال الصيانة)
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