Abir Mnasria

Abir Mnasri, co-founder of The Attic Studio and a multidisciplinary designer, graduated from the American University of Sharjah in 2009 with a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Design. Abir began her design career as an architect in NAGA Architects where she became more interested in Interior and Furniture Design. During her time in NAGA, Abir worked on a variety of residential and corporate interior design projects including an IIDA award winning project for the Best Small Corporate Space in the 2012 Office Exhibition Interior Design Competition.

Along with her career focus, Abir has always been interested in working with a variety of materials and visual mediums including photography and graphic design, while also working with physical raw materials. Abir met Zaina Khayaat at her university, and they found they an interest in the interconnection of science, art & the design process. In 2013 they began collaborating on personal projects, exploring with different methods and mediums that build on both their career backgrounds and their interests. This collaboration has evolved into The Attic, a design studio that combines a passion for exploring, imagining, designing and making.


ساعات العمل

تشكيل السركال

الغاليري، المستودع رقم 58، السركال أفنيو

الأحد – الخميس 10 صباحاً – 7 مساءً، الجمعة 9 صباحاً – 12 ظهراً

(مغلق أيام السبت والعطلات الرسمية).

ورشة الصُنّاع

المستودع رقم 89، السركال أفنيو

السبت – الخميس 10 صباحاً – 7 مساءً

(مغلق أيام الجمعة والعطلات الرسمية).

تشكيل ند الشبا

شارع 20/5، ند الشبا 1

(مغلق مؤقتاً لأعمال الصيانة)

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